Thursday, August 2, 2007

Thurs Aug 2 - 10.50am - Another Late Start

Yes, late again today. I hadn't done much due to trying to catch up on emails and a long phone conversation with my niece.

Got ready to get into the day when my back seized while I was getting dressed. It's like a spasm that hasn't released across the back of my waist. Had it before so didn't worry but it has got worse as I stripped the bed and put the linen on to wash.

So a change of plans is in order. Instead of emptying my water barrel and then cleaning my bathrooms, I'm going to take a Tramel capsule with a couple of Panadol Rapid chasers (yes, the pain is that bad) and watch some Sci Fi (Star Trek Enterprise has me hooked). I don't think I'll be able to stitch as the pain interfears with my concentration (as you can probably tell by by spelling). Hopefully the tablets will have kicked in before the wash finishes. The reason I wanted to do it today is that its forcast to be 16 degrees and sunny, but overcast tomorrow.

I'll see how I go.

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